
The goal of OBX Presbyterian’s WIRED Youth Ministry is to bring young people together in a life of faith, action, and community. We seek to address the spiritual, emotional, and social needs unique to youth. We want to create a safe and nurturing space for youth and their leaders to gather together and share their celebrations and concerns.

Our youth meet on Sunday evenings at 4:30 PM to enjoy dinner, fellowship, recreation, Bible study, and mission work. Our youth enjoy leading mission projects such as the Souper Bowl of Caring, working at the Beach Food Pantry, providing meals for Room in the Inn, and shopping for Christmas gifts for those in need.

The youth attend two summer conferences annually, the Massanetta Springs Youth Conference for middle school students and the Montreat Youth Conference for high school students. Our youth enjoy sharing their gifts in worship by serving as liturgists, ushers, and guest musicians. They also enjoy organizing and serving at community events for our children such as VBS and Trunk or Treat. We welcome all students grades 6-12 to join us for youth activities.